Frequently Asked Questions

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  • If you are within driving distance, lessons will take place in person at my studio location.

    If you are not within driving distance (or just prefer the convenience of online lessons) you will connect with me using a state-of-the-art virtual lessons environment. You need to see for yourself how our lessons go beyond Zoom! For more info, please visit the Online Lessons page.

  • There are actually two different costs associated with enrollment in my studio:

    1. Tuition (the cost of regularly scheduled coaching sessions), and

    2. Student Home Materials (the cost of curriculum).

    Curriculum costs are covered in more detail on this page.

    I teach two different kinds of lessons. But for simplicity, I charge the same price for both.

    1. Group Classes

    2. 1-on-1 (Private Lessons)

    For a much more detailed breakdown of my pricing, go here. Wondering how my prices compare to the competition? Take a look at this article on the real cost of music lessons.

  • In the past, I have taught students as early as age 5. However, I normally recommend starting children between the ages of 7-8. The reason why this varies is because every child is different. I've written an informative article on how to determine when a child is ready to begin lessons here.

  • YES! :) It's never too late to start. If you are an adult and are feeling tentative about starting a new skill later in life, take a look at this page.

  • Go Here for a much more in depth exploration of this topic. The short answer is that learning with a teacher is still the most effective way to learn piano. A live teacher can see what you are doing objectively and make corrections. It's like having a personal trainer or spotter/partner at the gym. It's very difficult to be completely self-aware of what you are doing when you are devoting all of your concentration and attention to just playing the right notes. You could also think of learning the piano as a long, winding trail through a forest up to the peak of a mountain. Your surest bet is to have a guide who travels along with you and gives you directions, support, and encouragement along the path. Sure, you could just use a map or GPS, but that will not be enough for an inexperienced hiker.

  • You will need an instrument to practice on, but a keyboard is just fine. You can find out more by visiting my beginner piano purchase guide here.

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